Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

#4: Atlas Slept

If he has to carry the world for all eternity, you'd think Atlas would mess up once or twice. Also I have no idea why there are dots on the image. :(

#4: aPACalypse

We're all just dots in the grand scheme of things. Delicious dots to be gobbled up by our glorious creator: PacMan.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Topic #4: How the World Will End
Due Friday, June 8

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

#2: Hell Of A Deal

Location. Location. Location.


As a recent overly-adoring dog owner, I probably shouldn't talk :]

Sorry for the crappy quality... I can't figure out how to export a high-quality GIF from flash, and this was too many frames to translate to and from Photoshop. If anyone knows how to do this, I'd be appreciative!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Topic #2

Great work everyone! Gif a Week is off to a fantastic start! It is my pleasure to announce:


We can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Friday, May 18, 2012

#1 Dino Tantrums

I love cute baby dinos throwing tantrums. 9 frames. "No, I don't want to become extinct! I don't wanna!"

#1: Triceratops I Love You We Are Best Friends

#1: The Velawesomeraptor

The Velawesomeraptor isn't a species as much as it is an idea. It plays by it's own rules, and it gets the job done by whatever means necessary.

#1: The Saurus

My favorite dinosaur is no prehistoric animal, but a famous one nonetheless: The Saurus, a misunderstood creature that's enthusiastic about telling other people how to English.

Done in 4-5 hours. I don't know how many frames this is because it's animated in Photoshop and it has a weird way of doing timing.

(I went at this without drawing out the frames in lines first... Yeah... Dunno if I should do that again.)

Feedback appreciated!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Post!

Greetings animators, artists and people who love GIFs!

This is GIF-A-Week, an initiative to interpret a weekly topic and make super cool animated GIFs for the amusement of your dorky friends.  That's right-- every week there will be a new topic for you to make into something rad. Consider this to be a low-pressure, purely creative outlet. This is not about making the best art or the most technically accomplished animation. What's important is to have fun and make something that you enjoy.


1. Every Saturday at midnight we will announce a topic. Your contribution is due that following Friday, before the new topic is announced. Consider the topics to be springboards for your ideas. Your interpretation doesn't have to be literal; take what comes to you and run with it.

2. The animation should be at minimum 6 frames, or half a second. Why, that's only a frame a day followed by a day of rest! However, if you decide to go above and beyond the bare minimum, that's just dandy. Who are we to stifle your creative genius? Make 12 frames. Make 12 hundred. Add some lens flare! Go all out, if you want to. Your animation doesn't even necessarily have to be in GIF format if you want to get really crazy. Just keep it to the topic and enjoy yourself.

3. If you make a GIF for a topic that's already expired... that's fine, post it up anyway. You just won't be in the running for the trophy (more on that later).

4. Please tag your posts according to the topic you are responding to. For example, you submission for this week, topic #1, should be labelled "Topic #1". Easy!


Now that you have carefully read and processed our stringent set of rules, it's time to start animating!
Due Friday, May 18th, 2012

Of course, you don't have to participate. You won't be ostracized for all eternity. You won't lose the high esteem in which we once held you. Not at all. If you do want to take us up on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join in the greatest animation project of all time, of course, then get going! We can't wait to see what you come up with.